Skills + Drills
Through my years of teaching and practicing yoga, I learned that once or even twice weekly vinyasa classes aren’t enough to build the strength and technique that is often needed for more advanced asana poses, think arm balances, inversions, deep hip and heart opening. Because of this, we’re happy to offer dedicated Skills + Drills in short bursts to help you reach goals. Choose your practice below and so much more on my Youtube channel.
If you've been curious about elevating your yoga practice with headstand or wanting to incorporate headstand or sirsasana into your yoga practice, give this Yoga Skills + Drills video a solid try. I break down the two most popular headstand options offered in yoga classes, tripod headstand and forearm headstand, each with their respective merits. Being close to a wall might be useful in addition to have a few blocks handy!
If you've been curious about crow pose or wanting to better understand the mechanics of arm balancing in general, give this Yoga Skills + Drills: Crow Pose video a solid try. I share a few of my most tried and true techniques for beginner and advanced practitioners alike.
Are you ready for more Yoga Drills + Skills specifically for core work if you are working toward handstands and inversions? Then this video is for you! Make sure you have two blocks and a blanket handy before getting started.
In this Yoga Skills + Drills video, I share my favorite tips for getting into one legged crow pose or eka pada bakasana and even offer a few build up tips to help you build the body awareness and strength to enter this pose. It can be quite challenging but with dedication, practice, and discipline you can definitely get there.