Pictured with hands-free, wire-free breast pump, linked below!
Feeding our babes comes with its own set of challenges, everything says breast is best and the mom guilt is beyond real when we even consider formula. Early on, Bea and I had a few challenges and one middle of the night feeding required formula and I felt devastated that I couldn’t provide for my little one. Why are we so hard on ourselves?! Seriously moms, formula or breast… you’re doing a great job. Ultimately though, we have been able to breastfeed, so this blog post will cover things have helped in that region. I will also admit that while this is natural that does not mean it is easy to get the hang of. So, mamas please be easy on yourself. And as cheesy as it sounds, fed really is best no matter how that happens.
Click the number below for direct links (a few affiliate links are included but all opinions are 100% my own and everything was purchased myself at no discount). Truly sharing what works for us in the hopes of helping you too!
Sleep | Feeding + Pumping | Travel | Play | Clothing / Miscellany
Even if you’re breastfeeding, I highly recommend getting the bottle sample pack (pro tip: add it to your baby registry). Having options readily available saved us a lot of heartache from having to buy a bunch of different types of bottles and allowed us to find something that actually worked for our little one. Turns out, on our second or third try, we landed with these bottles and they are absolutely perfect. They come in a couple of different sizes (5oz and 8oz) and multiple levels of nipple flow to simulate the flow of breastmilk if you are also breastfeeding.
We tried three different types of storage bags for freezing breastmilk and landed on these bags because they are the thickest, they don’t leak, and have a double zipper. I’ll be honest we often will try to squeeze in 7 ounces into one bag since Bea has grown and has a bigger appetite as a result. Never have had a problem with leaking during defrost but just to be safe, always defrost in a cup or bowl to catch that liquid gold! Confession: I have absolutely cried over spilled milk.
So when we found out we were pregnant I was still commuting to the office and I knew from the beginning that I wanted to have some thing that was easy to use with minimal impact on my day, so I ended up purchasing this handsfree and wireless pump. I am so grateful that I got this even though we ended up in lockdown at home because now I can pump and get myself ready or work or do dishes with little interference in my day. Sure beats being stuck or tied to walls via cords and plugins! You’ll definitely still want a snug fitting bra, I wear my maternity bras and they hold the pumps in place perfectly. It’s so quiet, I can take Zoom meetings and no one has any idea.
Hands down these are our most favorite burp cloths, we continue to reach for these because they’re super soft, crazy absorbent, and come in really cute designs. We really can’t live without them now since Bea is in the early phases of teething, drooling all over the place and these double as bibs. Win! I’m all off for a product that will grow with babe and our needs. We also picked up a few regular bibs that are a little bit more traditional fitting and easier to keep on while using a carseat or high chair.
If you are new to breast feeding or planning to try, these little guys absolutely saved me in the first few weeks while Bea and I were on the steep learning curve of how to breastfeed. These are so great because they allow you to dry completely without any material pressing up against your skin and after using them for less than 48 hours, my pain and discomfort from cracking and bleeding was completely healed over. If you are experiencing any kind of cracking, chapping, or soreness I highly, highly recommend these. Bonus, when you’re done using them, you can send them back to the company and have them shaped into a necklace with your little one’s initials.
There are so many products on the market to make feeding easier… remember to take it easy and know that parenthood is essentially trial and error forevermore!
With deep love,