Renew: Stepping onto the Mat in 2021

The word that embodies my focus for 2021 is renew. 2020 brought a lot of personal change, with the welcoming of our daughter, Beatrice. I allowed myself to shift priorities; a singular focus of getting know this new being and stepping into my new role as a mother. Now that I’m feeling more like myself and (kinda) getting the hang of being a new parent, I’m ready to renew my focus on health and wellness. My hope is to set an example for Bea, to show up wholly for her, which means I need to ensure my cup is full and well tended.

I’m renewing my dedication to the following lifestyle changes:

Many of these were practices that I maintained before and throughout my pregnancy that fell by the wayside.

Another part of my renewal is teaching yoga again. I haven’t taught regularly since last July, and man, I sure do miss the connection and growth. Starting next week, I’ll be offering a 12-week series to Begin Again. These 45-min livestream classes are aimed at reconnecting to the basics, reacquainting ourselves with the practice, and building strength to reignite our passion. We can hold each other accountable, checking in weekly. Yea?

Do you have a focus, intention, or goal for the year? How can I support you?

With deep love,

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