Our Joshua Tree weekend was pure magic and a dream come true.
After years of learning and growing as a teacher, I have arrived at a place to expand my offering. Leading retreats and creating a community to call home has been a long time goal of mine. The potency of dedicated time to focus on self-care and tuning into our intuition is beyond measure. Much of my personal transformational learning and growth has come from a combination of travel and training in retreats. Along this journey, lifelong friends are made—friends we can lean on in times of need and support and friends that support one another. Knowing that I can create space for these opportunities lights my soul on fire.
Taking time and getting away from our daily grind and routine to dedicate to our wellbeing is so precious. Caring for our mind, body, and soul is a responsibility often left at the bottom of the list.
With great pleasure and honor, six beautiful souls said yes to themselves. We tapped into what we have been holding onto that no longer serves us or felt stagnant. We then stoked our inner fire by reconnecting with our life’s purpose—taking the time to explore what truly ignites our passion. Then we let it all go, trusting that the Universe will always meet us exactly where we are. Trusting also that our dreams once planted into our hearts, made into wishes, through discipline and dedication are never impossible.
Welcome circle before our first morning practice
Breathe in fresh beginnings, breathe out stagnation.
Breathe in possibility, breathe out fear.
Breathe in joy, breathe out sadness.
Breathe in lightness, breathe out darkness.
Breathe in love, love, love. Breathe out peace.
Always follow your dreams,