
Self-care Is an Inside Job

Self-care Is an Inside Job

Shit got real this week, didn’t it? I’m currently sitting in week four of working from home and sheltering-in-place hard, coming fresh off another update that I’ve been instructed to work from home through May 4th; nearly two full months of what feels like isolation. If I’m being completely honest, it felt like yet another blow of living in this new normal. I realize I’m not alone in these feelings either. By now, most of us have had big plans interrupted, delayed, or even cancelled. So much of the way we celebrate and mark the progress of our lives has been erased. We’re really feeling the impact of COVID-19 both personally and more broadly as a nation—no longer can we ignore the implications and our responsibility in the broader landscape.

Depression: Is This Normal?

Depression: Is This Normal?

One of the most challenging things about depression is that it can be hard to name or identify. As someone going through it, being able to name the experience and share it with those around you is nearly impossible—until you really become intimate with it and begin to understand the changes in behavior. For a few years, I couldn’t help myself, I had to rely on those closest to me to identify the differences. I also had to trust that they had my best intentions in mind when pointing out that I needed help. Read on to see if any of these flags are familiar to you.

Tools for Your Healing Journey

Tools for Your Healing Journey

At some point in life, we have all experienced some type of trauma or hardship. And how we overcome these experiences will vastly vary from person to person. For me, one of my most profound experiences with healing occurred several years back. I remember feeling like I was spiraling out of control; I didn't know up from down, nor did I recognize who I was as a person. My reality had shifted so much that I couldn't even identify my personal value system. In many ways, my healing journey felt like I was starting from scratch as a person.

Riding the Wave of Self-doubt

Riding the Wave of Self-doubt

This week has been a challenging one. We have many things balancing as I prepare for a lot of changes on both the #YBP and personal front. To be super vulnerable, I’m afraid that I’m disrupting a career path that could lead to success because I have silly dreams—dreams of being a full-time yoga teacher. My levels of doubt and uncertainty are so incredibly high that my body is reacting with tension and headaches. Read on for more…

Self-care: Is it Important?

Self-care: Is it Important?

A few years back, I found myself at a really low point. You see, depression runs in my family and, it wasn’t the first time I was in despair but this time felt lower than most. I literally felt like I was spiraling out of control just waiting to hit bottom. Words aren’t enough to describe that feeling of seeking your lowest point. I found myself withdrawing, unable to connect with my friends and family, and ultimately like I was more of a burden to the people in my circle. Suffice it to say, my mental health was in a bad way.

Continue reading to share the self-care practices that I turn to when I’m feeling low and need to reprioritize.

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