4 Simple and Straightforward Ways to Boost Your Health

4 Simple and Straightforward Ways to Boost Your Health

Nowadays, we are more health-conscious than ever, but this comes with its pros and cons. On the one hand, we have all the information we need to make healthier choices. On the other, there is so much information that it’s practically impossible to know what advice to follow. 

When it comes to health, it pays to keep things simple. These four habits are all straightforward enough to implement and can have incredible effects on your head-to-toe well-being. 

Building Up Your Yoga Practice

Building Up Your Yoga Practice

I’m often asked how to “get better” at yoga and usually I answer with some variation of practice more often. Then, after focusing for the last month on arm balances in my group classes, I’ve noticed more of my students inquiring on how to improve. So let me be super honest, practicing yoga once a week is great, really great in fact; but, the truth is, if you’re truly working toward physical gains in strength and flexibility one practice per week just isn’t going to cut it.

Read on for my recommendations if you’re hoping to deepen your yoga practice.

Let's Talk Sports Bras

Let's Talk Sports Bras

It's pretty safe to say that I own a few sports bras. Between teaching yoga seven days a week and also working out 3 to 6 times a week, I wear a lot of athletic gear. So when it comes to keeping the girls protected and secured I know a thing or two. I'm sharing a few of my favorite sports bra brands and why.

Tools for Your Healing Journey

Tools for Your Healing Journey

At some point in life, we have all experienced some type of trauma or hardship. And how we overcome these experiences will vastly vary from person to person. For me, one of my most profound experiences with healing occurred several years back. I remember feeling like I was spiraling out of control; I didn't know up from down, nor did I recognize who I was as a person. My reality had shifted so much that I couldn't even identify my personal value system. In many ways, my healing journey felt like I was starting from scratch as a person.

When Saying 'Yes' Means No

When Saying 'Yes' Means No

One of the biggest learnings I've had during my first couple of months teaching yoga full-time is learning how to say no. When I first stepped into full-time teaching, I told myself I would say yes to everything. I haven't yet read Shonda Rhimes book, Year of Yes, but I was trying to emulate that idea without really understanding the nuance behind it. So stepping into this new role, I decided to say yes to every opportunity that came across my plate.

Travel Series: Family Vacay in Sunriver, Oregon

Travel Series: Family Vacay in Sunriver, Oregon

A couple weekends ago, my husband, Justin, and I took a trip up to Sunriver, Oregon. Annually, his family gets together for a week with limited plans to unwind from the busyness of our daily lives and spend quality time together: making delicious meals at home, enjoying fierce competitions of table tennis, sardines (a must!), and a plethora of outdoor activities. We pack in the whole family: in total, we are usually twelve piled into a giant house which makes for great fun!

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