The sanskrit phrase Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu supports the prevalence of love over hate. Read more to breakdown each stanza and learn how to apply to your daily life.
Mastering Bakasana | Crow Pose
Everything You'll Find on My Thanksgiving Tablescape
Post Workout Muscle + Body Recovery
What to Pack in Your Gym Bag?
Baby Play Must Haves
Once you’ve survived the fourth trimester (aka first three months), babe is gonna want some action and you better believe it’s all on us as parents to provide entertainment and teach our babes how to play. Yep… they don’t know what to do without your help and guidance. Insert yet another mad scramble to find age appropriate toys while trying not to buy everything because the new-parent-marketing is real and so is the work to sort through everything to make sense of it all.
Baby Travel Must Haves
Have baby, will (someday) travel. While big time travels are out the window these days, short weekend road trips and overnights at the grandparents are plenty ready! We ended up spending about half of our parental leave down in Carmel to find some peace and quiet (read: saving our neighbors from baby cries while we were figuring out this whole parenting thing). We definitely packed the car to the brim on those first couple of trips, looking back, it was quite comical. Now that we have a few road trips under our belt and time spent away with grandparents, we feel a little less frantic. Here are a few of our go-tos to make baby travel just a smidge easier.
Baby Feeding Must Haves
Feeding our babes comes with its own set of challenges, everything says breast is best and the mom guilt is beyond real when we even consider formula. Early on, Bea and I had a few challenges and one middle of the night feeding required formula and I felt devastated that I couldn’t provide for my little one. Why are we so hard on ourselves?! Ultimately though, we’ve been able to breastfeed, so this blog post will cover things have helped in that region.
Baby Sleep Must Haves
Renew: Stepping onto the Mat in 2021
The word that embodies my focus for 2021 is renew. 2020 brought a lot of personal change, with the welcoming of our daughter, Beatrice. I allowed myself to shift priorities; a singular focus of getting know this new being and stepping into my new role as a mother. Now that I’m feeling more like myself and (kinda) getting the hang of being a new parent, I’m ready to renew my focus on health and wellness.