
Confessions of a Third Trimester Yoga Teacher

Confessions of a Third Trimester Yoga Teacher

This one has been hard to come to terms with but, I have to put it out there. The physical asana of yoga does not serve this current version of my body. No doubt, postpartum, I will return to my mat but right now my body craves strength-based movements that will support my transition into labor and healing beyond.

Soften; Between Here and There

Soften; Between Here and There

Being in this suspended state of who I was and what life will hold feels a lot like a dance between mourning and overwhelming abundance; with every emotion on the spectrum heightened as I oscillate between excitement and sadness. Knowing that we are on this adventure into the unknown is exhilarating and terrifying. How are we supposed to sort through all of these emotions in the short gestation window of nine months? Is that even possible?

Everything is Temporary: And Other Lessons

Everything is Temporary: And Other Lessons

Well hello there! I’m crawling out of my first-trimester-induced exhaustion and feeling so full of love and gratitude for this community we’ve built. With so many changes that have taken place thus far in 2020, the one constant has been showing up and serving my students; no matter what. It’s been a source of deep fulfillment, even when the last thing I wanted to do was peel my buns off the couch. Teaching you gives me purpose. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to my students to show up and hold space. If you’re reading this, thank you for allowing me to be your teacher and for accepting me so completely.

Pregnancy is both incredible and wildly humbling. Through the last few weeks, I’ve been reminded of so many lessons that are far too easy to take for granted. If you care to indulge me, read on.

Moving Forward & Opening to Possibility

Moving Forward & Opening to Possibility

During a conversation this week, sharing our individual experiences and reflections of growth, I was reminded that saying yes to certain things is a resounding no to everything else, which we might never know if they present greater possibilities. Our comfort zone and stagnation can feel a little too cozy. It's the softer side to the grass being greener. We can find contentment and balance between comfort and growth, being wary of compromise.

VLOG: Finding Financial Freedom as a Yoga Teacher

VLOG: Finding Financial Freedom as a Yoga Teacher

I've dreamt about becoming a full-time yoga teacher for years now, the biggest piece that has prevented me from diving in has been finances and feeling comfortable enough to take the risk. After a couple of years of concentrated effort and focus, I finally felt like we were able to find financial freedom, allowing me to follow my dreams.

Watch the VLOG for tips on how you, too, can responsibly pursue your dreams.

Depression: Is This Normal?

Depression: Is This Normal?

One of the most challenging things about depression is that it can be hard to name or identify. As someone going through it, being able to name the experience and share it with those around you is nearly impossible—until you really become intimate with it and begin to understand the changes in behavior. For a few years, I couldn’t help myself, I had to rely on those closest to me to identify the differences. I also had to trust that they had my best intentions in mind when pointing out that I needed help. Read on to see if any of these flags are familiar to you.

VLOG: Having the Courage to Trust the Universe

Welcome to my October Vlog!

As you know, 2019 has been a wild ride for me and the beginning of my yoga entrepreneurship. I've ridden a lot of ups and downs in the first six months but the one thing that has helped me stay grounded is having the courage to trust the Universe. It's easy to think we can manage everything on our own and that by sheer will and hard work that things can become real, but sometimes letting go of the way things get done is when we open ourselves for real magic to happen. When I feel particularly stuck, I'll ask the Universe out loud for help. Give the video a watch to hear how the Universe has had my back this year.

Thank you for being apart of my journey and reflections!

With deep love,

Portland, Oregon Reboot

Portland, Oregon Reboot

What an incredible walk down memory lane spending the weekend in Portland! We brought our walking shoes (when we lived here we both sold our cars) and got ready to reacquaint ourselves with the Rose City. Every day we’ve wandered what feels like all of Portland, checking out the new development and eating and drinking our way through each neighborhood. In summary, Portland is still as weird as ever—if not more than before. The food industry continues to thrive. We encountered twice as many beer bars as before which is hard to imagine, but true.

VLOG: Annual Reflections + Birthday

VLOG: Annual Reflections + Birthday

I’m bringing back the VLOG this week, sharing some of my annual reflections. I always feel like my birthday is the perfect time to look back upon the past year, to review goals set out to be accomplished, log in all the learnings and think about the upcoming year. Thank you for being here and helping to create such a wonderful year. I’m filled to the brim with gratitude that this is the life I get to live.

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