Movement for Mental Health

Movement for Mental Health

For years during and after college, I worked out to undo all the bad food and (adult) beverage choices I had made. If I overindulged, I would force myself to stay at the gym for hours, slugging away on the dreadmill or stair stepper. I wasn’t interested in lifting weights because I certainly didn’t want to add any bulk to my body. As a result, for years, I dreaded going to the gym to workout. 

It wasn’t until I found yoga that I slowly began to realize that movement in the body can be used for so much more than penance for bad eating habits.

Nighttime Routine for Success

Nighttime Routine for Success

Are you a morning person? If so, we can’t be friends. Jk, jk! I still love you, but I’ll never understand you. My mind cannot make decisions first thing in the morning… I sleep hard and deep which leaves me feeling foggy most mornings. After a solid 30 minutes, I’ll be rocking and rolling, but let’s be honest the morning hustle and commute is real.

I’ve learned a few things over the years that help me feel prepared and ready as soon as the alarm goes off in the morning—which means my nighttime routine has become essential. Let’s break it down.

Building, Learning + Collaborating

Building, Learning + Collaborating

One of the biggest takeaways from our training in December is that no matter what it is you’re creating, consistency is key. So, without fail, I’ve met my personal deadlines of posting weekly and with an eye to share, teach, or provide value to all of you. Out of this, a few opportunities have come my way. The YBC team reached out to collaborate! I was sent their quarterly winter YBC Mantra Box® to review and enjoy and now I get to share it with you!

Advice to 22-Year Old Paige

Advice to 22-Year Old Paige

If you could offer one piece of advice to yourself at 22, what would it be?

To begin, let’s set the scene, Paige Earl (my maiden name) was pretty fresh out of university at 22 and living in Portland, OR. She was dirt poor, just entering the full-time workforce, living with her boyfriend, Justin (my now husband!). Paige and Justin would wait up until midnight the day before paydays so they could go to the grocery store and restock the kitchen. Between working opposite shifts for the same company, they spent their free time Netflixing and chilling before it was a thing—DVDs from Netflix being a splurge. Read on to read my advice….

Does a Perfect Workout Legging Exist?

Does a Perfect Workout Legging Exist?

Okay people! We’ve got some serious items to talk about today: leggings. With so many companies and social influencers floating around it can be really hard to know where to invest your hard earned dollars on premium athletic wear that withstands the test of our yoga bending, sweat drenching bootcamps, crossfit box rips, and athleisure. I mean, if you’re going to drop $100+ for legging, they better be good, right?

Twisting for Lower Back Relief

Twisting for Lower Back Relief

In this Yoga by Paige intermediate yoga video, we'll spend time twisting in various poses to help lengthen the lower back, promote digestion, and find space in an otherwise tight area of our body. For a little fun, I've added in a sweep hop option if you are working toward building handstand strength as well. If you often find yourself with a tight lower back, this video is for you!

Building Strength for Yoga Inversions

Building Strength for Yoga Inversions

In this Yoga by Paige: Inversion and Strength Flow we begin to understand the mechanics of the muscles around the shoulder to create greater stability and we play around with a few different types of handstand hops that should help address our sometimes irrational fear of being upside down. Come play!

Riding the Wave of Self-doubt

Riding the Wave of Self-doubt

This week has been a challenging one. We have many things balancing as I prepare for a lot of changes on both the #YBP and personal front. To be super vulnerable, I’m afraid that I’m disrupting a career path that could lead to success because I have silly dreams—dreams of being a full-time yoga teacher. My levels of doubt and uncertainty are so incredibly high that my body is reacting with tension and headaches. Read on for more…

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